Planets Overview Page
General concepts about planets are provided in the planet section of the empire manual page. The manual section you're reading now focuses on the Planets page and presents its contents.
The Planets page provides you with a general overview of all your planets at once along with a quick builder facility. A link in the top right corner of the page allows to switch between two views:
- List of controlled planets only
- Quickbuilder facility and list of controlled planets
Each of those two elements are described in the other paragraphs of this manual section.
This section of the page displays a list of all planets in your empire along with:
- Planet: name of the concerned planet. It's a link to the corresponding planet page
- Coords: coordinates of the planet
- Population: population of the planet in millions of unhabitants
- Happiness: percentage of happiness for the planet
- Industrial: number of industrial factories on the planet
- Turrets: number of turrets on the planet
- Military: number of military factories on the planet
- Profit: daily profit generated by the planet
- Currently Building: list of the first elements in the build queue along with the time to completion. A link at the top of the page allows to switch between a view with cumulated build times and a view with individual build times.
Switching to quick builder mode modifies slightly the controlled planets list and reveals a new section of the page. Using those tools you can manage factories and ships construction and destruction on several planets at once.
In order to do some actions at the planetary level on several planets at once, you first of all have to select the planets you're interested in. This can be achieved by checking the checkboxes which are displayed in front of each planet name. Quick links are also provided at the top of the planets list:
- select all: to select all planets
- unselect all: to unselect all planets
- invert: to invert the selection
The operation to perform at the planet level may be chosen with radio buttons in the corresponding section of the quick builder. Clicking any element on the same line as a radio button selects it. The different possible operations are:
- Operations on factories: Using the corresponding drop down lists you can either build or destroy the number of industrial or military factories that you chose in the textfield.
- Adding to build queues: using the corresponding drop down list you can add to the build queues> the number of ships of the selected category or turrets that you chose in the texfield.
- Flushing build queues: using this option you can remove all elements from the build queues
The buttons at the bottom of the quick builder perfom the defined planet operation on all selected planets.
In order to perform actions on some specific elements in the build queue you first of all have to select them. To do so you have to check the checkboxes present in front the build queue items you want to change in the controlled planets list.
The operation to perform on the selected items may be chosen with radio buttons in the corresponding section of the quick builder. Clicking any element on the same line as a radio button selects it. The different possible operations are:
- Delete: to remove the selected items from the build queues
- Move: using the relevant drop down list you can either move down or up in the queue the items you have selected
- Replace: using the relevant drop down list you can replace the selected items with the number of ships of the chosen category or turrets that you have put in the textfield
The buttonsbuttons at the bottom of the quick builder perfom the defined planet operation on all selected items.
The two buttons at the bottom of the quick builder section both perfom the defined actions. The only difference is that the left one (Execute action) leaves the quick builder displayed whereas the right one (Execute and hide) switch also the diplay to list only mode.