socket module | > Module written by Manick | > Module Version Number: 2.2.0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | > This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | > modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | > as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | > of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | > | > This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | > but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | > MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | > GNU General Public License for more details. | > | > You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | > along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | > Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Changes | =======------- | > If you wish to suggest or submit an update/change to the source | > code, email me at with the change, and I | > will look to adding it in as soon as I can. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class socket { private $rawSockets; //array of raw sockets to be used by select private $socketInfo; //index by intval($rawSockets[socket]) private $numSockets; //number of sockets currently in use private $writeSocks; //sockets that have write buffers queued private $numWriteSocks; private $readQueueSize = 0; private $tcpRangeStart = 1025; private $timeoutSeconds = 0; private $timeoutMicroSeconds = 0; private $myTimeout = 0; private $procQueue; public function __construct() { $this->connectSockets = array(); $this->rawSockets = array(); $this->socketInfo = array(); $this->writeSocks = array(); $this->readQueueSize = 0; $this->numSockets = 0; $this->numWriteSocks = 0; } public function setProcQueue($class) { $this->procQueue = $class; } public function getNumSockets() { return $this->numSockets; } public function setTcpRange($range) { if (intval($range) != 0) { $this->tcpRangeStart = $range; } } public function getHost($sockInt) { $status = socket_getsockname($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket, $addr); if ($status == false) { return false; } return $addr; } public function getRemoteHost($sockInt) { $status = socket_getpeername($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket, $addr); if ($status == false) { return false; } return $addr; } public function setTimeout($time) { $sec = intval($time); $msec = intval(($time - $sec)*1e6); if ($sec == 0) { $msec = $msec < $this->myTimeout ? $this->myTimeout : $msec; } if ($sec < $this->timeoutSeconds) { $this->timeoutSeconds = $sec; $this->timeoutMicroSeconds = $msec; } else if ($sec == $this->timeoutSeconds) { if ($msec < $this->timeoutMicroSeconds) { $this->timeoutMicroSeconds = $msec; } } } public function setHandler($sockInt, $owner, $class, $function) { if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return false; } $sock = $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]; $sock->owner = $owner; $sock->class = $class; $sock->func = $function; return true; } /* For debug... */ public function showSocks($read, $write) { echo "\n\nRead:\n"; if (is_array($read)) { foreach($read AS $sock) { echo $sock . "\n"; } } echo "\nWrite:\n"; if (is_array($write)) { foreach($write AS $sock) { echo $sock . "\n"; } } echo "\n"; } public function handle() { //For debug //echo "Read: " . $this->readQueueSize . " Write: " . $this->writeQueueSize . "\n"; //echo "timeout: " . $this->timeoutSeconds . "-" . $this->timeoutMicroSeconds . "\n"; if ($this->numSockets < 1) { if ($this->timeoutSeconds > 0) { sleep($this->timeoutSeconds); } if ($this->timeoutMicroSeconds > 0) { usleep($this->timeoutMicroSeconds); } $this->timeoutSeconds = 1000; return; } if ($this->numSockets < 1) { $sockArray = NULL; $except = NULL; } else { $sockArray = $this->rawSockets; $except = $this->rawSockets; } if ($this->numWriteSocks < 1) { $writeArray = NULL; } else { $writeArray = $this->writeSocks; } //For debug //$this->showSocks($sockArray, $writeArray); $newData = socket_select($sockArray, $writeArray, $except, $this->timeoutSeconds, $this->timeoutMicroSeconds); $this->timeoutSeconds = 1000; if ($newData === false) { die("socket_select error"); // need to change this to handle errors return; } if (!$newData) { return; } if (count($sockArray) != 0) { foreach($sockArray AS $socket) { $sockIntval = intval($socket); switch($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->status) { case SOCK_CONNECTED: $this->readSocket($sockIntval); break; case SOCK_LISTENING: $this->acceptSocket($sockIntval); break; case SOCK_CONNECTING: $this->connectSocket($sockIntval); break; default: break; } } } if (count($writeArray) != 0) { foreach ($writeArray AS $socket) { $sockIntval = intval($socket); $this->sendSocketQueue($sockIntval, 1); } } if (count($except) != 0) { foreach($except AS $socket) { $sockIntval = intval($socket); $this->markDead($sockIntval); } } } private function callBack($sockIntval, $msg) { //Schedule the callback to run if ($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->func != "" && $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->func != null) { $this->procQueue->addQueue( $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->owner, $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->class, $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->func, $msg, .01); } } private function readSocket($sockIntval) { if ($this->isDead($sockIntval)) { return; } if ($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->status != SOCK_CONNECTED) { return; } $dataRead = false; $socket = $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->socket; //Read in 4096*30 bytes for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) { $response = @socket_read($socket, 8192, PHP_BINARY_READ); $respLength = strlen($response); if ($response === false) { $err = socket_last_error($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->socket); if ($err != EALREADY && $err != EAGAIN && $err != EINPROGRESS) { $this->markDead($sockIntval); } break; } else if ($respLength === 0) { if ($i == 0) { $this->markDead($sockIntval); } break; } $dataRead = true; $this->readQueueSize += $respLength; $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->readLength += $respLength; $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->readQueue .= $response; } if ($dataRead == true) { if ($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->readScheduled == false) { $this->callBack($sockIntval, CONN_READ); $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->readScheduled = true; } } } private function sendSocketQueue($sockIntval, $queued = 0) { $socket = $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->socket; if ($this->isDead($sockIntval)) { return; } if (($bytesWritten = @socket_write($socket, $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeQueue)) === false) { $socketError = socket_last_error($socket); switch ($socketError) { case EAGAIN: case EALREADY: case EINPROGRESS: break; default: $this->markDead($sockIntval); break; } } else { $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeQueue = substr($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeQueue, $bytesWritten); $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeLength -= $bytesWritten; //Queue Empty, Remove socket from write if ($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeLength == 0 && $queued == 1) { $this->removeWriteSocketFromArray($sockIntval); } if ($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeLength == 0) { unset($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeQueue); $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeQueue = ""; } //Callback after we wrote to socket if ($this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeScheduled == false) { $this->callBack($sockIntval, CONN_WRITE); $this->socketInfo[$sockIntval]->writeScheduled = true; } } } private function createSocket() { $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); socket_set_option($socket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,1); if ($socket == false) { return false; } socket_clear_error($socket); if (socket_set_nonblock($socket) == false) { @socket_close($socket); return false; } return $socket; } public function bindIP($sockInt, $ip) { if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return; } $sockData = $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]; if ($sockData->status != SOCK_CONNECTING) { return; } socket_bind($sockData->socket, $ip); } public function addSocket($host, $port) { $listening = false; if ($host == null) { $host = false; $listening = true; } $socket = $this->createSocket(); if ($socket == false) { return false; } if ($listening == true) { $boundError = false; $currentPort = $this->tcpRangeStart; if ($port !== null) { $boundError = @socket_bind($socket, 0, $port); if ($boundError === false) { return false; } } else { while ($boundError === false) { $boundError = @socket_bind($socket, 0, $currentPort); $currentPort++; if ($currentPort > $this->tcpRangeStart + HIGHEST_PORT) { return false; } } $port = $currentPort - 1; } if (socket_listen($socket) === false) { return false; } if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Socket Listening: " . intval($socket) . "\n"; } } else { if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Socket Opened: " . intval($socket) . "\n"; } } $newSock = new socketInfo; $newSock->socket = $socket; $newSock->owner = null; $newSock->class = null; $newSock->func = null; $newSock->readQueue = ""; $newSock->writeQueue = ""; $newSock->readLength = 0; $newSock->writeLength = 0; $newSock->host = $host; $newSock->port = $port; $newSock->newSockInt = array(); $newSock->readScheduled = false; $newSock->writeScheduled = false; $this->socketInfo[intval($socket)] = $newSock; if ($listening == true) { $newSock->status = SOCK_LISTENING; } else { $newSock->status = SOCK_CONNECTING; } $this->numSockets++; $this->rawSockets[] = $socket; return intval($socket); } public function clearReadSchedule($sockInt) { if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return false; } $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readScheduled = false; return true; } public function clearWriteSchedule($sockInt) { if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return false; } $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->writeScheduled = false; return true; } /* public function beginConnect($sockInt) { $this->procQueue->addQueue(null, $this, "connectSocketProcess", $sockInt, 0); } */ //process to connect the socket $sockInt public function connectSocketTimer($sockInt) { if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return false; } if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status != SOCK_CONNECTING) { return false; } $this->connectSocket($sockInt); return true; } //Remove all sockets from a specific irc bot public function removeOwner($class) { foreach($this->socketInfo AS $sockInt => $data) { if ($class === $data->owner) { $this->killSocket($sockInt); $this->removeSocket($sockInt); } } } public function killSocket($sockInt) { if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Killing socket: " . $sockInt . "\n"; } if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status == SOCK_ACCEPTED) { $this->acceptedSockets--; } if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status != SOCK_DEAD) { $this->removeReadSocketFromArray($sockInt); $this->removeWriteSocketFromArray($sockInt); $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status = SOCK_DEAD; } if (is_resource($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket)) { if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Closed socket: " . $sockInt . "\n"; } socket_clear_error($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket); socket_close($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket); } else { if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Socket already closed: " . $sockInt . "\n"; } } } public function removeSocket($socketIntval) { $this->readQueueSize -= $this->socketInfo[$socketIntval]->readLength; unset($this->socketInfo[$socketIntval]->class); unset($this->socketInfo[$socketIntval]->owner); unset($this->socketInfo[$socketIntval]); } private function removeReadSocketFromArray($socketIntval) { foreach ($this->rawSockets AS $index => $socket) { if ($socket === $this->socketInfo[$socketIntval]->socket) { unset($this->rawSockets[$index]); $this->numSockets--; break; } } } private function removeWriteSocketFromArray($socketIntval) { foreach ($this->writeSocks AS $index => $rawSocket) { if ($rawSocket === $this->socketInfo[$socketIntval]->socket) { unset($this->writeSocks[$index]); $this->numWriteSocks--; break; } } } public function sendSocket($sockInt, $data) { if ($this->isDead($sockInt)) { return; } if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status != SOCK_CONNECTED) { return; } $inQueue = $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->writeLength > 0 ? true : false; $len = strlen($data); $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->writeQueue .= $data; $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->writeLength += $len; if (!$inQueue) { $this->sendSocketQueue($sockInt, 0); if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status == SOCK_CONNECTED) { if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->writeLength > 0) { $this->writeSocks[] = $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket; $this->numWriteSocks++; } } } return $len; } private function acceptSocket($sockInt) { $sockData = $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]; $newSock = @socket_accept($sockData->socket); socket_set_nonblock($newSock); if ($newSock === false) { return false; } $newSockInt = intval($newSock); if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Accepted new connection on: " . $newSockInt . "\n"; } $this->socketInfo[$newSockInt] = clone $sockData; $this->socketInfo[$newSockInt]->socket = $newSock; $this->socketInfo[$newSockInt]->status = SOCK_ACCEPTING; /* fix a onRead done before onAccept */ $this->numSockets++; $this->rawSockets[] = $newSock; $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->newSockInt[] = $newSockInt; //Schedule the callback to run $this->callBack($sockInt, CONN_ACCEPT); return true; } private function connectSocket($sockInt) { if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return; } if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status == SOCK_CONNECTED) { return; } if (@socket_connect($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket, $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->host, $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->port) === true) { $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status = SOCK_CONNECTED; $this->callBack($sockInt, CONN_CONNECT); } else { $socketError = socket_last_error($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket); switch ($socketError) { case 10022: if (OS != 'windows') { $this->markDead($sockInt); } break; case EISCONN: $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status = SOCK_CONNECTED; $this->callBack($sockInt, CONN_CONNECT); break; case EAGAIN: case EALREADY: case EINPROGRESS: break; default: $this->markDead($sockInt); break; } } return; } public function getSockStatus($sockInt) { return (isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]) ? $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status : false); } public function getSockData($sockInt) { return (isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]) ? $this->socketInfo[$sockInt] : false); } public function alterSocket($sockInt, $level, $opt, $val) { return socket_set_option($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket, $level, $opt, $val); } public function getSockError($sockInt) { return socket_last_error($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket); } public function getSockStringError($sockInt) { $strErr = "[" . self::getSockError($sockInt) . "]:" . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket)); $strErr = str_replace("\n", "", $strErr); return $strErr; } public function hasAccepted($sockInt) { if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return false; } $newSockInt = array_shift($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->newSockInt); $this->socketInfo[$newSockInt]->status = SOCK_CONNECTED; return $newSockInt; } private function markDead($sockInt) { if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Marking socket dead: " . $sockInt . "\n"; } $this->removeReadSocketFromArray($sockInt); $this->removeWriteSocketFromArray($sockInt); $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status = SOCK_DEAD; $this->callBack($sockInt, CONN_DEAD); } public function isDead($sockInt) { $socket = $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->socket; if (!is_resource($socket)) { $this->markDead($sockIntval); return true; } if (!isset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt])) { return true; } switch ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->status) { case SOCK_DEAD: return true; break; default: return false; break; } } public function hasWriteQueue($sockInt) { if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->writeLength > 0) { return $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->writeLength; } else { return false; } } public function getQueue($sockInt) { $this->readQueueSize -= $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readLength; $queue = $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readQueue; unset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readQueue); $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readQueue = ""; $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readLength = 0; return $queue; } public function hasQueue($sockInt) { if ($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readLength > 0) { return true; } return false; } public function hasLine($sockInt) { if (strpos($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readQueue, "\n") !== false) { return true; } return false; } public function getQueueLine($sockInt) { $readQueue =& $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readQueue; if (!$this->hasLine($sockInt)) { return false; } $crlf = "\r\n"; $crlfLen = 2; $lineEnds = strpos($readQueue, $crlf); if ($lineEnds === false) { $crlf = "\n"; $crlfLen = 1; $lineEnds = strpos($readQueue, $crlf); } $line = substr($readQueue, 0, $lineEnds); $readQueue = substr($readQueue, $lineEnds + $crlfLen); $this->readQueueSize -= ($lineEnds + $crlfLen); $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readLength -= ($lineEnds + $crlfLen); if ($readQueue == "") { unset($this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readQueue); $this->socketInfo[$sockInt]->readQueue = ""; } return $line; } /* Misc HTTP Functions */ public static function generatePostQuery($query, $host, $path, $httpVersion = "1.0") { if ($query != "" && substr($query, 0, 1) != "?") { $query = "?" . $query; } if ($path == "") { $path = "/"; } $postQuery = "POST " . $path . " HTTP/".$httpVersion."\r\n"; $postQuery .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n"; $postQuery .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $postQuery .= "Content-length: " . strlen($query) . "\r\n\r\n"; $postQuery .= $query; return $postQuery; } public static function generateGetQuery($query, $host, $path, $httpVersion = "1.0") { if ($path == "") { $path = "/"; } if ($query != "" && substr($query, 0, 1) != "?") { $query = "?" . $query; } $getQuery = "GET " . $path . $query . " HTTP/".$httpVersion."\r\n"; $getQuery .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n"; $getQuery .= "Connection: close\r\n"; $getQuery .= "\r\n"; return $getQuery; } } ?>