// Generic text input component TextInput = function (id, title, multi, min, max, init) { this.id = id; this.title = title; this.multi = multi; var value = init; this.min = min; this.max = max; this.valid = false; this.onChange = null; var readValue = function () { var e = document.getElementById(id + '-input'); if (e) { value = e.value; } }; this.getText = function () { readValue(); return value; }; this.draw = function () { readValue(); var str = '' + '
' + this.title + ':'; var jsStr = '="TextInput.byId[\'' + this.id + '\'].__change(); return true"'; if (this.multi) { str += ''; } else { str += ''; } str += '
'; document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = str; document.getElementById(this.id + '-input').value = value; this.checkValidity(); }; this.checkValidity = function () { this.valid = (this.min == 0 && this.max == 0); if (!this.valid) { this.valid = (this.min > 0 && value.length >= this.min || this.min == 0) && (this.max > 0 && value.length <= this.max || this.max == 0); } with (document.getElementById(this.id + '-input').style) { color = this.valid ? 'black' : 'white'; backgroundColor = this.valid ? 'white' : 'red'; } }; this.__change = function () { readValue(); this.checkValidity(); if (this.onChange) { this.onChange(value); } }; TextInput.byId[this.id] = this; }; TextInput.byId = {}; // Generic numeric control for size and amount of alliances NumericControl = function (id, title, min, max, init) { this.id = id; this.title = title; this.min = min; this.max = max; this.value = init; this.onChange = null; this.draw = function () { var str = '' + '' + '
' + this.title + ':' + this.value + '' + ' ' + '
'; document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = str; }; this.increase = function () { if (this.value == this.max) { return; } this.value ++; this.draw(); if (this.onChange) { this.onChange(this.value); } }; this.decrease = function () { if (this.value == this.min) { return; } this.value --; this.draw(); if (this.onChange) { this.onChange(this.value); } }; NumericControl.byId[this.id] = this; }; NumericControl.byId = {}; // A system on the map MapLocation = function (type, alloc, spawn) { this.type = type; this.alloc = alloc; this.spawn = spawn; }; // The map itself Map = function (initFrom) { // Copy basic map information this.name = initFrom.name; this.description = initFrom.description; this.alliances = initFrom.alliances; this.width = initFrom.width; this.height = initFrom.height; // Copy the map this.map = { }; for (var i in initFrom.map) { var ma = initFrom.map[i]; this.map['x' + ma[0] + 'y' + ma[1]] = new MapLocation(ma[2], ma[3], ma[4]); } // Function that computes min/max x/y this.updateCoordinates = function () { this.minX = - Math.floor(this.width / 2); this.maxX = this.minX + this.width - 1; this.minY = - Math.floor(this.height / 2); this.maxY = this.minY + this.height - 1; }; // Creates a nebula area this.setNebula = function (x, y, opacity) { if (this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y]) { this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y].type = opacity; } else { this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y] = new MapLocation(opacity, null, null); } }; // Creates a target system this.setTarget = function (x, y) { if (this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y]) { this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y].type = 'S'; this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y].alloc = 0; } else { this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y] = new MapLocation('S', 0, null); } }; // Creates an alliance-controlled system this.setAlliance = function (x, y, alliance) { var sys = this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y]; if (sys) { sys.type = 'S'; sys.alloc = alliance; sys.spawn = false; } else { this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y] = new MapLocation('S', alliance, false); } }; // Switches spawning status for an alliance-controlled system this.switchSpawnPoint = function (x, y) { var sys = this.map['x' + x + 'y' + y]; if (sys && sys.type == 'S' && sys.alloc > 0) { sys.spawn = !sys.spawn; } }; // Removes systems allocated to alliances which no longer exist this.removeExtraAlliances = function () { for (var i in this.map) { var sys = this.map[i]; if (sys.type == 'S' && sys.alloc > this.alliances) { this.map[i] = null; } } }; this.updateCoordinates(); }; // The editor's grid Grid = function (id, map) { this.id = id; this.map = map; this.cX = 0; this.cY = 0; this.onClick = null; // This function draws the grid in which the map is displayed this.draw = function () { var i, j; var str = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ''; for (i = 0; i < 11; i ++) { str += ''; } str += '' + '' + ''; for (i = 0; i < 11; i ++) { str += ''; for (j = 0; j < 11; j ++) { str += ''; } str += ''; } str += ''; for (i = 0; i < 11; i ++) { str += ''; } str += '' + '' + '' + '' + '
'; document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = str; this.drawMap(); }; // This function draws the map on the grid this.drawMap = function () { var i, j, str, x, y; // Scroll buttons if (this.cX - 5 > this.map.minX) { str = ''; } else { str = ' '; } document.getElementById('map-left').innerHTML = str; if (this.cX + 5 < this.map.maxX) { str = ''; } else { str = ' '; } document.getElementById('map-right').innerHTML = str; if (this.cY - 5 > this.map.minY) { str = ''; } else { str = ' '; } document.getElementById('map-down').innerHTML = str; if (this.cY + 5 < this.map.maxY) { str = ''; } else { str = ' '; } document.getElementById('map-up').innerHTML = str; // Draw X coordinates for (i = 0; i < 11; i ++) { x = this.cX + i - 5; if (x < this.map.minX || x > this.map.maxX) { str = ' '; } else { str = '' + x + ''; } document.getElementById('top-x-' + i).innerHTML = document.getElementById('bottom-x-' + i).innerHTML = str; } // Draw Y coordinates for (i = 0; i < 11; i ++) { y = this.cY - i + 5; if (y < this.map.minY || y > this.map.maxY) { str = ' '; } else { str = '' + y + ''; } document.getElementById('left-y-' + i).innerHTML = document.getElementById('right-y-' + i).innerHTML = str; } // Draw contents for (i = 0; i < 11; i ++) { x = this.cX + i - 5; for (j = 0; j < 11; j ++) { y = this.cY - j + 5; var cell = document.getElementById('map-' + i + '-' + j); if (y < this.map.minY || y > this.map.maxY || x < this.map.minX || x > this.map.maxX) { cell.innerHTML = ' '; cell.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; continue; } var sys = this.map.map['x' + x + 'y' + y]; if (!sys) { cell.innerHTML = ' '; cell.style.backgroundColor = '#3f3f3f'; } else if (sys.type != 'S') { cell.innerHTML = '' + sys.type + ''; cell.style.backgroundColor = '#afafaf'; cell.style.color = Grid.nebulaColours[parseInt(sys.type, 10) - 1]; } else if (sys.alloc == 0) { cell.innerHTML = 'T'; cell.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; cell.style.color = 'white'; } else { cell.style.color = 'black'; cell.style.backgroundColor = Grid.allianceColours[sys.alloc - 1]; cell.innerHTML = sys.spawn ? 'X' : ' '; } } } }; // This function handle clicks on the map this.handleClick = function(i, j) { x = this.cX + i - 5; y = this.cY - j + 5; if (x >= this.map.minX && x <= this.map.maxX && y >= this.map.minY && y <= this.map.maxY && this.onClick) { this.onClick(x, y); } }; }; Grid.allianceColours = [ 'ff0000', '00ff00', '0000ff', '007f7f', '7f007f', 'afaf00', 'ffaf3f', '003f7f' ]; Grid.nebulaColours = [ '#ff0000', '#ff2f00', '#ff5f00', '#ff7f00' ]; // Toolbox Toolbox = function (id, map) { this.id = id; this.map = map; this.currentTool = null; var drawToolCell = function (id, title, ctxt, cbg, cfg) { return str = '' + '' + '' + '
' + ctxt + '' + title + '
'; }; this.draw = function () { var i, str = '' + '' + ''; for (i = 1; i < 5; i ++) { str += drawToolCell('n' + i, 'Class ' + i + ' nebula', '' + i + '', '#afafaf', Grid.nebulaColours[i - 1]); } str += '' + drawToolCell('tg', 'Target system', 'T', 'black', 'white') + drawToolCell('sp', 'Spawing point', 'X', 'white', 'black') + ''; for (i = 1; i <= this.map.alliances; i ++) { str += drawToolCell('a' + i, 'Alliance ' + i, ' ', Grid.allianceColours[i - 1], 'black'); } str += '
Map drawing tools
'; document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = str; if (this.currentTool) { this.selectTool(this.currentTool); } }; this.selectTool = function(tool) { if (this.currentTool && document.getElementById('tool-' + this.currentTool)) { document.getElementById('tool-' + this.currentTool).style.borderStyle = 'none'; } if (! document.getElementById('tool-' + tool)) { this.currentTool = null; return; } with (document.getElementById('tool-' + tool).style) { borderColor = 'red'; borderWidth = '2px'; borderStyle = 'solid'; } this.currentTool = tool; }; }; // Validity check / submit button CheckAndSubmit = function (id, map) { this.id = id; this.map = map; this.error = "---"; var mapCheck = function (map) { var ax = []; var tgc = 0; for (var i = 0; i < map.alliances; i ++) { ax[i] = [0, 0]; } for (var i = map.minX; i <= map.maxX; i ++) { for (var j = map.minY; j <= map.maxY; j ++) { var m = map.map['x' + i + 'y' + j]; if (! m) { return 1; } if (m.type != 'S') { continue; } if (m.alloc == 0) { tgc ++; continue; } ax[m.alloc - 1][0] ++; if (m.spawn) { ax[m.alloc - 1][1] ++; } } } if (tgc == 0) { return 2; } var min = -1; for (var i = 0; i < map.alliances; i ++) { if (ax[i][0] == 0) { return 3 + i; } if (min == -1) { min = ax[i][0]; } else if (ax[i][0] < min) { return 19; } else if (ax[i][0] > min) { return 19 + i; } } min = -1; for (var i = 0; i < map.alliances; i ++) { if (ax[i][1] == 0) { return 11 + i; } if (min == -1) { min = ax[i][1]; } else if (ax[i][1] < min) { return 27; } else if (ax[i][1] > min) { return 27 + i; } } return 0; }; this.draw = function () { if (this.error == '---') { this.check(); } var str; if (this.error == "") { str = ''; } else { str = '' + this.error + ''; } document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = str; }; this.check = function () { var error = ""; if (map.name.length < 4) { error = "Name too short"; } else if (map.name.length > 32) { error = "Name too long"; } else { var i = mapCheck(this.map); switch (i) { case 0: break; case 1: error = "Map has undefined areas"; break; case 2: error = "Map has no target areas"; break; default: if (i < 11) { i -= 2; error = "Alliance " + i + " has no systems."; } else if (i < 19) { i -= 10; error = "Alliance " + i + " has no spawning points."; } else if (i < 27) { i -= 18; error = "Alliance " + i + " has too many systems."; } else if (i < 35) { i -= 26; error = "Alliance " + i + " has too many spawning points."; } break; } } if (this.error != error) { this.error = error; this.draw(); } }; }; // Main editor object Editor = function (initFrom) { var map = new Map(initFrom); var components = []; var cSub = new CheckAndSubmit('check-and-send', map); var tools = new Toolbox('tools', map); components.push(tools); var grid = new Grid('grid', map); grid.onClick = function(x, y) { var tool = tools.currentTool; if (!tool) { return; } if (tool.match(/^n[1-4]$/)) { map.setNebula(x, y, tool.charAt(1)); } else if (tool == 'tg') { map.setTarget(x, y); } else if (tool.match(/^a[1-8]$/)) { map.setAlliance(x, y, parseInt(tool.charAt(1), 10)); } else if (tool == 'sp') { map.switchSpawnPoint(x, y); } grid.drawMap(); cSub.check(); }; components.push(grid); var c; c = new TextInput('name', 'Map name', false, 4, 32, map.name); c.onChange = function (value) { map.name = value; cSub.check(); }; components.push(c); c = new TextInput('desc', 'Description', true, 0, 0, map.description); c.onChange = function (value) { map.description = value; }; components.push(c); c = new NumericControl('n-alliances', 'Alliances', 2, 8, map.alliances); c.onChange = function (value) { var old = map.alliances; map.alliances = value; tools.draw(); if (value < old) { map.removeExtraAlliances(); grid.drawMap(); } cSub.check(); }; components.push(c); c = new NumericControl('m-width', 'Map width', 3, 41, map.width); c.onChange = function (value) { map.width = value; map.updateCoordinates(); grid.drawMap(); cSub.check(); }; components.push(c); c = new NumericControl('m-height', 'Map height', 3, 41, map.height); c.onChange = function (value) { map.height = value; map.updateCoordinates(); grid.drawMap(); cSub.check(); }; components.push(c); components.push(cSub); this.draw = function () { var str = '


' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '


' + '
'; document.getElementById('mapedit').innerHTML = str; for (var i in components) { components[i].draw(); } }; this.scroll = function (dx, dy) { grid.cX += dx; grid.cY += dy; grid.drawMap(); }; this.mapClick = function(x,y) { grid.handleClick(x, y); }; this.selectTool = function(tool) { tools.selectTool(tool); }; this.submit = function () { document.getElementById('sf-name').value = map.name; document.getElementById('sf-desc').value = map.description; document.getElementById('sf-width').value = map.width; document.getElementById('sf-height').value = map.height; document.getElementById('sf-alliances').value = map.alliances; var ma = []; for (var j = map.minY; j <= map.maxY; j ++) { var str = ''; for (var i = map.minX; i <= map.maxX; i ++) { var m = map.map['x' + i + 'y' + j]; str += m.type; if (m.type != 'S') { continue; } str += m.alloc; if (m.alloc == 0) { continue; } str += m.spawn ? '1' : '0'; } ma.push(str); } document.getElementById('sf-map').value = ma.join('#'); document.getElementById('sendform').submit(); }; }; Editor.editor = new Editor(initMap); Editor.editor.draw();