DATABASE CONNECTION ERROR"; exit(1); } $query = pg_query("SELECT id,name FROM main.account WHERE admin AND NOT name LIKE 'AI>%' ORDER BY name"); if (!$query) { print "DATABASE CONNECTION ERROR"; exit(1); } $allAdmins = array(); while ($r = pg_fetch_row($query)) { $allAdmins[$r[0]] = $r[1]; } $query = pg_query("SELECT * FROM main.ctf_map_def ORDER BY name"); if (!$query) { print "DATABASE ERROR"; exit(1); } $ctfMaps = array(); while ($r = pg_fetch_assoc($query)) { $ctfMaps[$r['id']] = $r; $query2 = pg_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main.ctf_map_layout WHERE map={$r['id']} AND spawn_here"); if (!$query2) { print "DATABASE ERROR"; exit(1); } list($ctfMaps[$r['id']]['players']) = pg_fetch_array($query2); pg_free_result($query2); } pg_free_result($query); pg_close($cnx); function __start($title) { ?>
=htmlentities($title)?>: | =htmlentities($contents)?> |
Please check the information below CAREFULLY.
'Match', 'r' => 'Round', 'c' => 'Kings of the Hill' ); __start("Main information"); __line("Game type", $gTypes[$_SESSION['lw_new_game']['game_type']]); __line("Game name", $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['name']); __line("Description", $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['descr']); __end(); __start("Parameters"); if ($_SESSION['lw_new_game']['game_type'] == 'c') { $map = $ctfMaps[$_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ctfmap']]; __line("Map name", $map['name']); if ($map['description'] != '') { __line("Description", $map['description']); } __line("Players", $map['players']); __line("Teams", $map['alliances']); __line("Size", $map['width'] . "x" . $map['height']); foreach ($ctfParams as $p) { __line($p['title'], $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ctfparams'][$p['id']]); } } else { foreach ($params as $p) { __line($p['title'], $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['params'][$p['id']]); } } __end(); $speeds = array("Normal", "2x", "3x", "4x"); __start("Ticks configuration"); __line("Speed", $speeds[$_SESSION['lw_new_game']['speed'] - 1]); __line("First tick (YYYY-MM-DD)", $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ft_y'] . "-" . $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ft_m'] . "-" . $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ft_d']); __end(); $ticks = __computeTicks($_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ft_y'], $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ft_m'], $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['ft_d'], $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['speed'], $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['shift_ticks']); __start("Ticks schedule"); foreach ($ticks as $tid => $data) { __line("\"$tid\" / first tick", gmstrftime("%H:%M:%S on %Y-%m-%d", $data[0])); $time = $data[1]; $time = ($time - ($secs = $time % 60)) / 60; $time = ($time - ($mins = $time % 60)) / 60; __line("\"$tid\" / interval", "{$time}h, {$mins}min, {$secs}s"); __line("\"$tid\" / numeric values", $data[0] . " / " . $data[1]); } __end(); __start("Silent admins"); foreach ($allAdmins as $id => $name) { __line($name, in_array($id, $_SESSION['lw_new_game']['silent']) ? "YES" : "no"); } __end(); __start("Server information"); __line("Maintenance mode", is_null($config['maintenance']) ? "No - will enable automatically (DANGEROUS)" : "yes"); __line("Ticks manager", __isManagerRunning() ? "running" : "stopped"); __end(); ?>