graylog-groups =============== A program that controls Graylog roles and privileges over objects using LDAP groups. **Note** My apologies, this is my first actual program in Go, so it must be a terrible example of worst practices. Sorry. Why? ----- The community edition of [Graylog]( had the ability to use LDAP group in order to control user access to the various objects (searches, streams and dashboards). In a somewhat ethically questionable move this capability was removed in version 4.0 and replaced with an enterprise-only feature called teams. This program is meant to emulate the pre-4.0 LDAP group functionality. How? ----- This program is meant to be executed on a regular basis through e.g. `cron`. It will read its configuration file, and from there : * get the list of users on the Graylog side, * read the list of members for all LDAP groups that have a mapping defined in the configuration file, * compute the roles and object privileges to grant for each Graylog user, * optionally delete users that no longer have any privileges according to the mapping and LDAP group membership, * set the users' permissions on the various Graylog objects, * add or remove Graylog roles from user accounts. It should be noted that permissions set by this tool to not appear anywhere on the Graylog 4 UI. They can be queried back using the API, using the `/user/{login}` endpoint. Installing ----------- - Download and build the program : ``` git clone cd graylog-groups go build ``` - Copy the resulting binary to whatever box will run it. - Create a configuration file based in the example from `graylog-groups.yml.example`. - Set up a cron job or whatever it is you use to schedule tasks to run the synchronization binary on a regular basis. Usage ------ The program accepts the following command line arguments : * `-h` / `--help`: displays usage information then exits. * `-q` / `--quiet`: quiet mode. This will disable logging to `stderr`. * `-c ` / `--config `: specifies the configuration file. If this option is not present, the program will try to load a file named `graylog-groups.yml` from the current working directory. * `-i ` / `--instance `: specifies an instance name that will be added to logs as a field named `instance`. * `-L ` / `--level `: specifies the log level. It must be one of the following: `trace`, `debug`, `info` (the default), `warn`, `error`, `fatal`, `panic`. * `-f ` / `--log-file `: appends logs to the specified file. * `-g :` / `--log-graylog :`: sends logs to the specified Graylog server using GELF over UDP. To Do ------ * Add TLS options (skip checks / specify CA) for the Graylog API. * Read object ownership using `grn_permissions` to preserve privileges on users' own objects * Support granting ownership on objects * Use goroutines ? Maybe. * Custom log file/terminal output