gomonop - Various monitoring plugins in golang ============================================== This project is a collection of various monitoring plugins (such as Nagios, Centreon, or Icinga) written in golang. All plugins are available through a single executable, `gomonop`. The actual plugin can be selected either by creating a symlink to the main executable with the appropriate name or by calling the executable directly with the first argument being the name of the plugin. This project is distributed under the terms of the [GPLv3 license](LICENSE). Its source code is available on the [Nocternity forge](https://git.nocternity.net/projects/gomonop). Plugins -------- ### SSL certificate expiry The `check_ssl_certificate` plugin can be used to check that the certificate from a TLS service has not expired and is not going to expire shortly. It supports the following command-line flags: * `-H name`/`--hostname name`: the host name to connect to. * `-P port`/`--port port`: the TCP port to connect to. * `-W days`/`--warning days`: a threshold, in days, below which a warning will be emitted for this service. * `-C days`/`--critical days`: a threshold, in days, below which the plugin will indicate that the service is in a critical state. * `--ignore-cn-only`: do not cause errors if a certificate does not have SANs and relies on the CN field. * `-a names`/`--additional-names names`: a comma-separated list of DNS names that the certificate should also have. * `-s protocol`/`--start-tls protocol`: protocol to use before requesting a switch to TLS. Supported protocols: `smtp`, `sieve`. ### DNS zone serials The `check_zone_serial` plugin can be used to check that the version of a zone served by a DNS is up-to-date compared to the same zone served by another, "reference" DNS. It supports the following command-line flags: * `-H name`/`--hostname name`: the host name or address of the server to check. * `-P port`/`--port port`: the port to use on the server to check (defaults to 53). * `-z zone`: the zone to check. * `-r name`/`--rs-hostname name`: the host name or address of the reference server. * `-p port`/`--rs-port port`: the port to use on the reference server (defaults to 53). Building from source -------------------- The plugin can be built for the current host OS and architecture using `make build`. The actual executable will be created under the `bin` directory, in a subdirectory named after the host OS and architecture (e.g. `bin/linux-amd64`). The executable will be named `gomonop`, and a symlink to the executable for the host OS and architecture will be created under the `bin` directory. It is possible to build for other architectures using `make build-cross`.