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package main
import (
// Max supported CA chain length
type (
// Structure that describes the existing file for a certificate.
tExistingFileInfo struct {
owner uint32
group uint32
mode os.FileMode
// Certificate building, including the configuration, LDAP connection,
// and the array of chunks that's being built.
tCertificateBuilder struct {
// The certificate file's current configuration
Config *tCertificateFileConfig
// The LDAP connection to read data from
conn *tLdapConn
// The logger to use
logger *logrus.Entry
// The list of DNs that are involved in generating this certificate. If the
// command has a non-'*' selector, the list will be checked for a value
// matching the selector befor anything else is done.
dnList []string
// The various chunks of data that will be written to the resulting PEM file.
// Each chunk corresponds to a PEM block.
data [][]byte
// The output text
text []byte
// Information about the current file, if it exists.
existing *tExistingFileInfo
// Was the certificate file replaced?
changed bool
// Initialize a certificate file building using a LDAP connection and
// certificate file configuration.
func NewCertificateBuilder(conn *tLdapConn, config *tCertificateFileConfig) *tCertificateBuilder {
return &tCertificateBuilder{
Config: config,
conn: conn,
logger: log.WithField("file", config.Path),
data: make([][]byte, 0),
// Build the certificate file's data, returning any error that occurs while
// reading the source data.
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) Build() error {
b.logger.Debug("Checking for updates")
err := b.appendPemFiles(b.Config.PrependFiles)
if err != nil {
return err
err = b.appendCertificate()
if err != nil {
return err
err = b.appendCaCertificates()
if err != nil {
return err
err = b.appendPemFiles(b.Config.AppendFiles)
if err != nil {
return err
if b.Config.Reverse {
return nil
// Check whether a selector matches one of the current certificate file's DNs.
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) SelectorMatches(selector string) bool {
if selector == "*" {
return true
sel := strings.ToLower(selector)
for _, v := range b.dnList {
if strings.ToLower(v) == sel {
return true
b.logger.WithField("selector", selector).Debug("Selector does not match.")
return false
// Check whether the data should be written to disk. This also caches the
// file's owner, group and mode. If the update is being forced it will return
// `true` even if nothing changed.
// Note: file information will be read even when updates are forced, because
// it is used later to set file privileges.
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) MustWrite(force bool) bool {
info, err := os.Lstat(b.Config.Path)
if err != nil {
return true
sys_stat := info.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
eif := &tExistingFileInfo{}
eif.mode = info.Mode()
eif.owner = sys_stat.Uid
eif.group = sys_stat.Gid
b.existing = eif
if force || sys_stat.Size != int64(len(b.text)) {
return true
existing, err := os.ReadFile(b.Config.Path)
if err != nil {
return true
for i, ch := range b.text {
if ch != existing[i] {
return true
return false
// Write the file's data
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) WriteFile() error {
log.WithField("file", b.Config.Path).Info("Writing certificate data to file")
err := os.WriteFile(b.Config.Path, b.text, b.Config.FileMode())
if err == nil {
b.changed = true
return err
// Update the file's owner and group
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) UpdatePrivileges() error {
update_mode := b.existing != nil && b.existing.mode != b.Config.FileMode()
if update_mode {
log.WithField("mode", b.Config.FileMode).Info("Updating file mode")
err := os.Chmod(b.Config.Path, b.Config.FileMode())
if err != nil {
return err
log := b.logger
set_uid, set_gid := -1, -1
if b.Config.Owner != "" {
usr, err := user.Lookup(b.Config.Owner)
if err != nil {
return err
// Uid has already been validated when reading the config file
uid, _ := strconv.Atoi(usr.Uid)
if b.changed || b.existing == nil || b.existing.owner != uint32(uid) {
set_uid = uid
log = log.WithField("uid", set_uid)
if b.Config.Group != "" {
group, err := user.LookupGroup(b.Config.Group)
if err != nil {
return err
// Gid has already been validated when reading the config file
gid, _ := strconv.Atoi(group.Gid)
if b.changed || b.existing == nil || b.existing.group != uint32(gid) {
set_gid = gid
log = log.WithField("gid", set_gid)
if set_gid != -1 || set_uid != -1 {
log.Info("Updating file owner/group")
err := os.Chown(b.Config.Path, set_uid, set_gid)
if err == nil {
b.changed = true
return err
} else {
b.changed = b.changed || update_mode
if !update_mode {
log.Debug("No update to privileges")
return nil
// Did this certificate change in any way?
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) Changed() bool {
return b.changed
// Run the commands from the pre_commands section of the configuration.
// This is only called if the certificate file has been modified in
// any way. Execution will stop at the first failure.
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) RunPreCommands() error {
for i := range b.Config.AfterUpdate.PreCommands {
err := b.RunCommand(i)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Failed while executing command '%s': %w",
return nil
// Run a command through the `sh` shell.
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) RunCommand(pos int) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
log := b.logger.WithField("command", b.Config.AfterUpdate.PreCommands[pos])
log.Debug("Executing command")
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "sh", "-c", b.Config.AfterUpdate.PreCommands[pos])
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if len(output) != 0 {
if utf8.Valid(output) {
log = log.WithField("output", string(output))
} else {
log = log.WithField("output", string(output))
if err == nil {
log.Info("Command executed")
} else {
log.WithField("error", err).Error("Command failed")
return err
// Append PEM files from a list.
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) appendPemFiles(files []string) error {
for _, path := range files {
var err error
b.logger.WithField("source", path).Debug("Adding PEM file")
err = b.appendPem(path)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Append a PEM file to the current list of data chunks
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) appendPem(input string) error {
data, err := os.ReadFile(input)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not load '%s': %w", input, err)
rest := data
hadBlock := false
for {
var block *pem.Block
block, rest = pem.Decode(rest)
if block == nil {
hadBlock = true
b.data = append(b.data, pem.EncodeToMemory(block))
if hadBlock {
return nil
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("No PEM blocks found in '%s'", input)
// Append the main, end-entity certificate from the LDAP
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) appendCertificate() error {
if b.Config.Certificate != "" {
dn := b.conn.BaseDN()
if dn != "" {
dn = "," + dn
dn = b.Config.Certificate + dn
b.dnList = append(b.dnList, strings.ToLower(dn))
b.logger.WithField("dn", dn).Debug("Adding EE certificate from LDAP")
data, err := b.conn.GetEndEntityCertificate(dn)
if err != nil {
return err
b.data = append(b.data, data)
return nil
// Append all CA certificates, reading the list from the LDAP or from the
// configuration.
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) appendCaCertificates() error {
if len(b.Config.CACertificates) != 0 {
return b.appendListedCaCerts()
} else if b.Config.CAChainOf != "" {
return b.appendChainedCaCerts()
} else {
return nil
// Append CA certificates based on a list of DNs
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) appendListedCaCerts() error {
bdn := b.conn.BaseDN()
if bdn != "" {
bdn = "," + bdn
for _, dn := range b.Config.CACertificates {
full_dn := dn + bdn
b.dnList = append(b.dnList, strings.ToLower(full_dn))
b.logger.WithField("dn", full_dn).Debug("Adding CA certificate from LDAP")
data, _, err := b.conn.GetCaCertificate(full_dn)
if err != nil {
return err
if data == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No CA certificate at DN '%s'", full_dn)
b.data = append(b.data, data)
return nil
// Append CA certificates by following a chain starting at some DN
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) appendChainedCaCerts() error {
nFound := 0
dn := b.Config.CAChainOf
if b.conn.BaseDN() != "" {
dn = dn + "," + b.conn.BaseDN()
for {
b.dnList = append(b.dnList, strings.ToLower(dn))
data, nextDn, err := b.conn.GetCaCertificate(dn)
if err != nil {
return err
if nFound != 0 {
if data == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No CA certificate at DN '%s'", dn)
b.logger.WithField("dn", dn).Debug("Adding CA certificate from LDAP chain")
b.data = append(b.data, data)
if nextDn == "" {
return nil
dn = nextDn
nFound += 1
if nFound == MAX_CA_CHAIN_LENGTH {
return fmt.Errorf("DN '%s': CA chain length exceeded", dn)
// Reverse the chunks in the list
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) reverseChunks() {
b.logger.Debug("Reversing PEM list")
l := len(b.data) / 2
for i := 0; i < l/2; i++ {
j := l - i - 1
b.data[i], b.data[j] = b.data[j], b.data[i]
// Generate the final text of the file
func (b *tCertificateBuilder) generateText() {
size := int64(0)
for i := range b.data {
size += int64(len(b.data[i]))
if i != 0 && b.data[i-1][len(b.data[i-1])-1] != '\n' {
b.text = make([]byte, size)
pos := 0
for i := range b.data {
copied := copy(b.text[pos:], b.data[i])
pos += copied
if i != 0 && b.data[i-1][len(b.data[i-1])-1] != '\n' {
b.text[pos] = '\n'
b.logger.WithField("size", size).Debug("Data generated")