package = $package; $this->config = $config; } public function get( $path = '' , $default = null , $fail = false ) { if ( $path == '' ) { return $this->config; } $aPath = explode( '/' , $path ); $config = &$this->config; foreach ( $aPath as $name ) { if ( !( is_array( $config ) && array_key_exists( $name , $config ) ) ) { if ( $fail ) { throw new LoaderException( "configuration key '$path' not found for package '" . $this->package->name() . "'" ); } return $default; } $config = &$config[ $name ]; } return $config; } } final class Package { private $name; private $source; private $files; private $requires; private $ctrls; private $daos; private $extras; private $hooks; private $pages; private $singletons; private $views; private $loaded = false; private $config; public function __construct( $name , $description , $config , $source ) { $this->name = $name; $this->source = $source; $fields = array( 'files' , 'requires' , 'daos' , 'views' , 'ctrls' , 'extras' , 'singletons' , 'pages' , 'hooks' ); foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $this->getField( $description , $field ); } if ( empty( $this->files ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "package '{$this->name}': no files" ); } if ( ! is_array( $config ) ) { $config = array( ); } $this->config = new ConfigGetter( $this , $config ); } private function getField( $description , $field ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $field , $description ) ) { $this->$field = array( ); return; } $value = $description[ $field ]; if ( !is_array( $value ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "package '{$this->name}': '$field' must be an array" ); } foreach ( $value as $item ) { if ( !is_string( $item ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "package '{$this->name}': '$field' contains non-string items" ); } } $this->$field = $value; } public function name( ) { return $this->name; } public function source( ) { return $this->source; } public function files( ) { return $this->files; } public function requires( ) { return $this->requires; } public function daos( ) { return $this->daos; } public function views( ) { return $this->views; } public function ctrls( ) { return $this->ctrls; } public function singletons( ) { return $this->singletons; } public function extras( ) { return $this->extras; } public function pages( ) { return $this->pages; } public function loaded( ) { return $this->loaded; } public function hooks( ) { return $this->hooks; } public function setLoaded( ) { $this->loaded = true; } public function config( $path = '' , $default = null , $fail = false ) { return $this->config->get( $path , $default , $fail ); } public function getConfigAccess( ) { return $this->config; } } interface PackageAware { public function setPackage( Package $package ); } interface TextSource { public function get( $what ); } final class Loader { private static $loader = null; private static $paths = array(); private $config; private $packages = array( ); private $items = array( 'ctrls' => array( ) , 'daos' => array( ) , 'extras' => array( ) , 'singletons' => array( ) , 'views' => array( ) , 'pages' => array( ) , ); private $loading = array( ); private $singletons = array( ); private $daos = array( ); private $textSource; private function __construct( ) { if ( empty( Loader::$paths ) ) { array_push( Loader::$paths , dirname( __FILE__ ) ); } $this->loadConfig( ); $this->loadPackageDescriptions( ); } private function loadConfig( ) { $mergedConfig = array( ); foreach ( Loader::$paths as $directory ) { if ( ! file_exists( $directory . '/' ) ) { continue; } $config = array( ); @include( $directory . '/' ); $mergedConfig = array_merge_recursive( $mergedConfig , $config ); } $this->config = $mergedConfig; } private function loadPackageDescriptions( ) { foreach ( Loader::$paths as $source ) { $this->loadPackageDescriptionsFrom( $source ); } } private function loadPackageDescriptionsFrom( $source ) { if ( !( $dh = opendir( $source ) ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "unable to access directory" ); } while ( ( $entry = readdir( $dh ) ) !== false ) { if ( $entry === '.' || $entry === '..' ) { continue; } $path = "$source/$entry"; if ( is_dir( $path ) && is_file( "$path/" ) ) { $this->loadDescription( $entry , $source ); } } closedir( $dh ); } private function loadDescription( $name , $source ) { $package = array( ); require( $source . '/' . $name . '/' ); if ( empty( $package ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "package '$name': no information" ); } if ( ! array_key_exists( $name , $this->config ) ) { $this->config[ $name ] = array( ); } $package = new Package( $name , $package , $this->config[ $name ] , $source ); $this->packages[ $name ] = $package; $this->config[ $name ] = null; foreach ( array_keys( $this->items ) as $type ) { $items = $package->$type( ); foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( array_key_exists( $item , $this->items[ $type ] ) ) { $oName = $this->items[ $type ][ $item ]; $type = substr( $type , 0 , strlen( $type ) - 1 ); throw new LoaderException( "package '$name': conflict with '$oName' on $type '$item'" ); } $this->items[ $type ][ $item ] = $name; } } } private function loadPackage( $name ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $name , $this->packages ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "Package '$name' not found" ); } $package = $this->packages[ $name ]; if ( $package->loaded( ) ) { return; } if ( array_key_exists( $name , $this->loading ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "Package '$name': recursive dependencies detected" ); } $this->loading[ $name ] = 1; foreach ( $package->requires( ) as $dependency ) { $this->loadPackage( $dependency ); } $dir = $package->source() . '/' . $name; foreach ( $package->files( ) as $file ) { require_once( "$dir/$" ); } unset( $this->loading[ $name ] ); $package->setLoaded( ); $hooks = $package->hooks( ); if ( is_array( $hooks ) ) { foreach ( $hooks as $hook ) { $hook( $this , $package ); } } } private function findItem( $name , $type ) { $rType = $type . 's'; if ( ! array_key_exists( $rType , $this->items ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "Invalid type '$type'" ); } if ( ! array_key_exists( $name , $this->items[ $rType ] ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "Item '$name' of type $type not found" ); } $package = $this->items[ $rType ][ $name ]; $this->loadPackage( $package ); return $this->packages[ $package ]; } private function createInstance( $package , $cName , $args ) { if ( empty( $args ) ) { $instance = new $cName(); } else { try { $reflection = new ReflectionClass( $cName ); } catch ( ReflectionException $e ) { throw new LoaderException( "Class $cName from package $pName not found" ); } $instance = $reflection->newInstanceArgs( $args ); } if ( is_a( $instance , 'PackageAware' ) ) { $instance->setPackage( $package ); } return $instance; } private function loadAndCreate( $type , $name , $cName , $args ) { $package = $this->findItem( $name , $type ); return $this->createInstance( $package , $cName , $args ); } private function getSingleton( $name ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $name , $this->singletons ) ) { $this->singletons[ $name ] = $this->loadAndCreate( 'singleton' , $name , $name , array( ) ); } return $this->singletons[ $name ]; } private function getDao( $name ) { if ( array_key_exists( $name , $this->daos ) ) { return $this->daos[ $name ]; } $cName = Loader::convertName( 'DAO' , $name ); $instance = $this->loadAndCreate( 'dao' , $name , $cName , array( ) ); $instance->setDatabase( Loader::Singleton( 'Database' ) ); $this->daos[ $name ] = $instance; return $instance; } public function findClasses( $class , $type = 'extra' , $onlyLoadedPackages = true ) { $rType = $type . 's'; if ( ! array_key_exists( $rType , $this->items ) ) { throw new LoaderException( "Invalid type '$type'" ); } $convertName = ( $type !== 'extra' ); $result = array( ); foreach ( $this->items[ $rType ] as $item => $pName ) { $cName = $convertName ? Loader::convertName( $type , $item ) : $item; if ( ! strcasecmp( $cName , $class ) ) { continue; } $package = $this->packages[ $pName ]; if ( ! $package->loaded( ) ) { if ( $onlyLoadedPackages ) { continue; } $this->loadPackage( $pName ); } try { $ref = new ReflectionClass( $cName ); } catch ( ReflectionException $e ) { throw new LoaderException( "Class $cName for $item of type $type and package $pName not found" ); } if ( $ref->implementsInterface( $class ) || $ref->isSubclassOf( $class ) ) { $result[] = $item; } } return $result; } private static function get( ) { if ( Loader::$loader === null ) { Loader::$loader = new Loader( ); } return Loader::$loader; } private static function convertName( $type , $name ) { $cName = ucfirst( $type ) . '_'; foreach ( explode( '_' , $name ) as $part ) { $cName .= ucfirst( $part ); } return $cName; } public static function DirectCreate( $type , $convert , $args ) { $name = array_shift( $args ); $cName = $convert ? Loader::convertName( $type , $name ) : $name; return Loader::get( )->loadAndCreate( $type , $name , $cName , $args ); } public static function AddPath( $path ) { if ( empty( Loader::$paths ) ) { array_push( Loader::$paths , dirname( __FILE__ ) ); } if ( is_dir( $path ) ) { array_push( Loader::$paths , $path ); } } public static function PackageConfig( $name ) { $loader = Loader::get( ); $loader->loadPackage( $name ); return $loader->packages[ $name ]->getConfigAccess( ); } public static function TextSource( TextSource $source = null ) { if ( $source !== null ) { Loader::get( )->textSource = $source; } else { return Loader::get( )->textSource; } } public static function Text( $what ) { $source = Loader::get( )->textSource; return $source ? $source->get( $what ) : $what; } public static function Load( $name , $type = 'extra' ) { Loader::get( )->findItem( $name , $type ); } public static function Singleton( $name ) { return Loader::get( )->getSingleton( $name ); } public static function Create( ) { return Loader::DirectCreate( 'extra' , false , func_get_args( ) ); } public static function View( ) { return Loader::DirectCreate( 'view' , true , func_get_args( ) ); } public static function Ctrl( ) { return Loader::DirectCreate( 'ctrl' , true , func_get_args( ) ); } public static function Page( ) { return Loader::DirectCreate( 'page' , true , func_get_args( ) ); } public static function DAO( $name ) { return Loader::get( )->getDao( $name ); } public static function Find( $class , $type = 'extra' , $onlyLoadedPackages = true ) { return Loader::get( )->findClasses( $class , $type , $onlyLoadedPackages ); } }